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Category Positive Motivation

Not So Simple

Cassouolet Confessions book cover

A few weeks ago a friend came to visit and gave me a gift – the book “Cassoulet Confessions: Food, France, Family, and the Stew That Saved My Soul”. Published in 2022, written by food and travel writer Sylvie Bigar,…

Take a Moment

american flags in ground

In the early 1970s I had a co-worker whose dad had been captured by the Germans as a prisoner of war during WWII. She said he never, ever talked about it to anyone. The subject was forbidden in their  house.…

Uniquely Creative

post-it notes

The Post It Note was a creation of Dr. Spencer Silver, a scientist at 3M who wanted an adhesive that would only stick lightly to surfaces. A fellow scientist at 3M, Art Fry, was frustrated that the pieces of paper…

International Day of Peace

International Day of Peace flyer

In 1981 the UN General Assembly established September 21st as the International Day of Peace. The objective was, and still is, to observe 24 hours of non-violence and cease fires of military aggression to strengthen the ideals of peace. It’s…

Summer Reading

spread of books

Each year Publishers Weekly releases their Summer Reads best book picks for adults and kids. This year’s picks for adults include: It’s 2 A.M. In Little America by Ken Kalfus After the Lights Go Out by John VercherAvalon by Nell…